Saturday, November 3, 2012

pass me the keys

Good Morning,

I'll get straight to the point.

    I have been slightly restless for the past 2 days. My thoughts and ideas are multiplying at such a steady rate...when I was younger, this same wave would overtake me. It would leave me up until 5am reading and writing and back up at 7 or 8am trying to find relief from all my dreams.
I remember my dreams would leave me feeling unrested. But inside myself I knew sleep was something that could/would be given to me again...and i didn't really crave it anyways.
So the beat never does really stop. (that's a term I picked up from some fellow ravers) Here I am.
I am currently pursuing understanding in the spirit world. Like who the Fuck am I?
I know I'm small but my influence is major...and yet i have not completed many tasks i have for this world.
Nor have i expanded financially in a lonnng time.. -_- 

****problems of the earth, problems of the spirit,
aren't really problems at all.
It is but a failure to see both worlds at once. 
This failure will leave a void and a feeling of neglect.......oh how we suffer at our own hands.
The Human Race must connect the earth(human) and the heavens(being) or the journey around the sun will never end****

stuck between the gods and brutes
my hands stretched out to both worlds
they tug on either side relentlessly
no one takes the time to care for the vessel I am.
The one without a voice.
The only voice I have is yours,
and you cant hear me,
neither worlds can hear me,
but they know 
what I am.
Cursed and Blessed by the same ancient tongue.
My modern personification is limited.
I do desire to be loved and yet feel this will never be possible,
because I belong to two worlds
and a third world that is in between.
No one notices.
everyone just feels cheated.
And I am left to heal my own wounds 
I am left to heal my own spirit
I am left to kill my own ego
I am left to commune with demons and angels alike

and any moment I dare to pull out of either world 
I began to feel the full force of my inadequacy to be nothing and everything in the same breathe.

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